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The Following Enhancements and Features have been introduced in HanDBase v4.0

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Security Features:

  • Encryption Password Caching - When you open a database, the password you entered is optionally remembered and then used for subsequent saves/closes of the database. This reduces chance of user entering a wrong password when re-encrypting and is also far more convenient to use.
  • Auto Close Feature - Optionally set program to auto close all open databases when there is no activity for some time. When used with the Encryption Password Caching option, this means any encrypted databases would also be reencrypted and then closed.
  • 128 bit encryption - Now encrypts with 128 bit Safer-SK encryption for increased security and tamper proofing.
  • Second prompt when setting password - Now when you have the password prompt set to hide the password, it will confirm your password before accepting.

Synchronization Improvements:
  • Memory Card Databases syncing - Support for syncing databases stored in memory cards within HanDBase Conduit.
  • Microsoft Vista support - for syncing with Vista's Mobile Device Center

Interface Improvements:

       Palm OS:
  • Category support - for databases stored on memory cards.
  • Scroll Bar in List View - for faster navigation of large databases
  • Improved 5-way/One Handed Navigation - most all screens including forms can be navigated with one hand.
  • Filter floating dates - When filtering on dates, you can now filter on a date that is based off the current date, like 'This Month', 'Next X days', or 'Today' and hence see only the records that match based on the current date.

Windows Mobile Pocket PC:
  • 5 way select support- Most key screens in HanDBase now support the 5 way navigator on Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6.
  • Windows Mobile 5/6 menu optional support- Show menu items using the newer soft key style or choose the traditional toolbar format via the preferences.
  • Tap and Hold functionality - tap and hold for common commands for records and databases in the List view and Choose Database screens.
  • Choose DB screen key search database list - it automatically scrolls to the databases beginning with the letter you write.
  • Font size setting preference for List View - In the Preferences screen, you adjust the font size of the list view text.
  • Beam Receive Revamp on PPC - to take better advantage of sending files using Infrared or Bluetooth from the device itself and handling import of these received files.
  • Don't Show this Again option - optionally don't show the successful saved database dialog.
  • Enhanced keyboard support - The enter key should behave as a select in most screens.
  • Filter floating dates - When filtering on dates, you can now filter on a date that is based off the current date, like 'This Month', 'Next X days', or 'Today' and hence see only the records that match based on the current date.

Windows Mobile Smartphones:
  • Forms Support - ability to edit records in your database using custom designed forms designed on your desktop or some other PDA/Smartphone platforms.
  • Filter floating dates - When filtering on dates, you can now filter on a date that is based off the current date, like 'This Month', 'Next X days', or 'Today' and hence see only the records that match based on the current date.

Symbian S60 (Series 60) Smartphones:
  • Create and Edit Databases - You can now create and edit database properties right on the S60 device!
  • Filter floating dates - When filtering on dates, you can now filter on a date that is based off the current date, like 'This Month', 'Next X days', or 'Today' and hence see only the records that match based on the current date.

Windows Desktop:

  • Updated UI - the user interface was updated to look fresh and be more intuitive to use.
  • Opening Welcome screen - quick select choice to open existing dbs, new ones, recent ones, etc.
  • Database Explorer - window bar for showing quick list of dbs for users with button for 'More' that jumps to the more
  • Right click options - for records in list view (copy, move, delete, encrypt, etc) like Pocket PC tap and hold
  • Conduit Options integration - jump to conduit and sync exchange settings right from HanDBase Desktop
  • Newsletter integration - stay up to date on HanDBase related updates/releases/news directly from within the HanDBase Desktop.
  • Check for Updates - automatically and manually check for newer versions available for your HanDBase related products from the HanDBase Desktop.
  • Mapping of fields - for CSV import of data in different format than database
  • Copy Record(s) to clipboard  - ability to copy a record or records' printable values to the clipboard to paste into other documents or programs.
  • Report Printing on Windows Desktop - Ability to print custom HTML style reports (similar to those used by the HanDBase Reporter Add-on) from the desktop.
  • Filter floating dates - When filtering on dates, you can now filter on a date that is based off the current date, like 'This Month', 'Next X days', or 'Today' and hence see only the records that match based on the current date.

Windows Desktop Form Designer:
  • Forms browser list toolbar - that makes it easy to jump between forms for a database.
  • Mouse direct resizing of controls - drag the borders of a control to resize it.
  • Select Item Toolbar - Select item dialog is now available as an optionally visible toolbar.
  • Place new items on screen when form is clicked - rather than guess at a location for a new form, you can now select this by clicking on the form to place your controls.
  • Startup Wizard- When you open a database, a wizard shows options to launch the Forms Creation Wizard, or to Create and Edit Forms Manually

Mac OS X Desktop:
  • Searching support - ability to search all or certain fields in database records
  • Sorting support - sort databases based on certain field values.
  • Views selection - choose a pre-defined named view of your data which would filter, sort, and reorder the fields based on the criteria defined in the view.

Performance Improvements:
  • Improved Caching of DBs - for great performance gains on Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Smartphone, S60, and Windows Desktop when using relationships, DB Popup fields, and link/linked fields.
  • Optimized DB Load/Open times - Windows Mobile Classic/Professional (PocketPC) and Windows Mobile Standard (Smartphone) now open databases an order of magnitude faster than in previous versions due to extreme optimizations in the program.

Custom Forms Support Improvements:

  • Jump directly to a form in a related db - you can select a button to jump to a specific form of a related database as opposed to always going to the list view.
  • New Button Actions available: Cancel button, Edit Popup List, Show Popup List, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Copy Record to Text, Backspace, and Set Focus to a control on the form
  • Picture Button control - show jpg or bmp graphics directly on the form. These can be used for company logos, graphical buttons, diagrams, etc. The image path can be hard coded or dependant on the value of a field.
  • Conditional Show/Hide of form controls - specify a field in which the value of that field determines whether the control is shown or hidden. Great for conditional branching, color coding values depending on ranges, and even making values be required before allowing a record save.
  • Tab/creation order for form controls- specify the tab order for form controls.
  • Desktop Wizard to create forms - select the fields, style and a few simple options and let the desktop forms designer create a starting set of forms for you. Makes creating ready to use forms a snap and yet still completely customizable to your specific desires and needs.
  • Copy Form capability between databases - when designing forms you can now copy a form from one database to another.

Cross Compatibility Enhancements:
  • Tabs look and feel - Make tab controls on form look the same on desktop, Pocket PC, and Smartphone as it does on Palm
  • Control Alignment - tabs, shapes, buttons, etc, should all line up properly between platforms despite slight differences in controls on different platforms
  • Platform scaling option- adjust the scaling of each platform that supports forms (Desktop, Palm OS, Windows Mobile Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile Smartphone) independently. Take a form that was designed for a resolution on one platform and scale it to best fit on another platform with a different resolution.
  • Device Preview Mode on desktop forms designer - You can quickly switch the preview platform to better Preview what a form is going to look like with the different resolution and scaling of another platform.

...And a myriad of bug fixes and other functionality improvements!

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