DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Company Directory

Author:David Devaney, Jr. [Send Author Email]

April 19, 2007
Description:This applet lets you keep track of the people in your company, thier phone numbers, email addresses, schedules, bosses and who they oversee. It has the following fields:
  • Nickname
  • First(Name)
  • Last(Name)
  • Title
  • Phones(Heading)
  • Ext(ension)
  • Type(allows you to select if this is an extension, a cue or just a voice mail box.)
  • Mobile
  • Home
  • Other
  • Email(Heading)
  • Office
  • Home
  • Mobile(Cell, Pager, etc)
  • Other
  • Handles(allows you to indicate which other email addresses someone handles. For example I handle support@... as well so I put that in)
  • Schedule(heading)
  • Days(Pop up list with the days and a -)
  • Hours(Popup list with am, pm, -, and 1-12)
  • Other Info(heading)
  • Boss(this is a DB Popup that connects to this same database so you can select the boss from this Company Directory.)
  • Boss of(this is a DB Popup that connects to this same database so you can select who this person is the Boss of from this Company Directory.)
Has Data:No
Has Forms:No
Sorting:Sort on the Extension for a quick Phone extension List.
Comments:As of 4/19/2007 the 3.x version of this Applet is available. This applet will be in the Unfiled category when installed.
I used the Increase Field Width option to allow for more room in the entries.
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:company_directory.pdb          Downloads: This Month 11 / Total* 5368
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename company_directory.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from David Devaney, Jr.

03/29/2006 Smiley Dictionary [Web Stuff]
This is a compiled list of 127 "Standard" Smileys, otherwise known as Emoticons. Useful in Chat especially but also in email. This list has the Smiley, a Description and a Category. Enjoy :-)

04/19/2007 Internet Chatcronyms [Web Stuff]
This is a list of 124 Acronyms used mainly while Chatting on the Net, or Chatcronyms. Things like BRB(Be Right Back), ROTFL(Rolling On the Floor Laughing. This Applet has the Acronym and the meaning of it. Keep this HanD while chatting all night long.

04/19/2007 Works of Johann Sebastian Bach [History]
This is a comlete list of the 1120 works of Johann Sebastian Bach. It includes the BWV number and BWV suffix if applicable. This also groups the works into categories, ie Church Cantatas, Secular Cantatas, Chorales, Etc. This list was compiled by Charles Cave.

04/19/2007 Catholic Popes [Religion]
This is a complete list of all 266 Catholic Popes to date. This Applet includes the "Number" they were, their name as Pope, and the years they served as pope, From and Until. This Applet was updated on 02/17/2015 and now includes the Pope's Personal or Given Name, depending on when they were made Pope. It also has a field for the Wikipedia link to more information about the Pope. If you are have the iPhone or iPad version of HanDBase there is a field that will open the More Info field as as webpage, using the View More Info button/field. Changes were also made to correct the order of Popes, removing Stephen II as an actual Pope and updating the other Stephen's with the correct number based on this. The most recent Popes were also added to the database so it is up to date.

03/27/2007 Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [History]
This Applet lists all of the works of WA Mozart according to the original Koechel listing. This currently does not list the new Koechel number. In addition to the Koechel number it lists the Koechel suffix if applicabel, the title of the piece, approximately when it was composed and the place it was composed.

04/19/2007 Classical Composers Lives [Reference]
This Applet lists nearly 1100 "Classical" composers. There are fields for the Last and First/Middle names, the year they were born, the year they died (if they have), and the Classical Genre/Period they composed during (ie Baroque, Romantic, etc.)

04/19/2007 Sunday Shopper [Miscellaneous]
This HanD shopping guide allows you to enter all of the items you see in the Sunday ads that you want to buy. This way you won't have to take all those ads with you and you will still know what to get. It even has fields for entering whether you get rebates and if you need a form to mail in. It has the following fields:

  • Date
  • Store (Text Popup lists some basic stores: Sears, Kmart, etc.)
  • Page in Ad (easy reference if you need to pick up the ad at the store)
  • Item Description
  • Type of Item (Text Popup lists some basic categories so you know where to be: Mens Clothing, Womens Clothing, etc)
  • Manufacturer
  • Model (enter the number in the ad so you know you are getting the right one.)
  • Sale Price
  • Regular Price (so you know how much you are saving)
  • Coupon Req ((Yes/No) so you know if you need to bring a coupon for the sale price)
  • ---Rebates---
  • Amount
  • Type (Popup lists Instant or Mail in)
  • Price After Rebate (calculated field for reference)
  • Postmark By (For Mail in rebates so you don't lose out)
  • Rebate Mailed? (Checkbox so you know if you sent the rebate)
  • Date Mailed (Date you mailed the rebate form)
  • --Raincheck--
  • Received (Checkbox so you know if you had to get one)
  • Item Due In (So you know when to go back for the goods)

04/19/2007 Store List [Miscellaneous]
This is a basic To Do list of items to buy while at the store. I mainly use it at the Grocery/Food store but it can be used anywhere.

This Applet has a checkbox for indicating that you got the item. It also goes so far as to have a quantity and the price per item/qty and the Total for that Item as well as a Running Total.

The Checkbox, Item description, Qty, Price Each, and Running Total fields fit onto one screen in the List view so NO SCROLLING REQUIRED! The quantity field has popups for things like pound, 1 gallon, 1 dozen. The calculations work for the most part unless you get to 1.65 pounds of meat. Then just leave off the pounds part and you can double check the store.

I find it useful to enter the price and have the total because a LOT of stores have incorrect prices and some even give you the item Free if it rings up wrong. This way you know for sure especially with dozens of items.


04/19/2007 Comparison Computer Shopper [Technical]
This Applet is intended to be used while shopping for that New Super Powered computer. You set up your *Ideal Computer* and then while you shop in stores, online, in ads, or anywhere you can enter the Specs for the computers you are interested in. Has a separate section for Monitor information. This Applet contains the following fields:

  • Platform (Text Popup has basic ones: Windows, Mac, etc)
  • Style (Text Popup has Desktop and Laptop)
  • Brand (Text Popup has well known brands: Compaq, Dell, etc.)
  • Model (Enter the model number)
  • Processor Type (Text Popup has basics: Intel, G4, etc)
  • Processor Model (Text Popup has basics: Pentium III, Athlon)
  • Speed(mhz) (Text Popup has std Processor Speeds)
  • HD Size(GB) (Text Popup has basic Hard Drive sizes)
  • Floppy Disk (Yes/No)
  • CD-ROM (Yes/No)
  • DVD-ROM (Yes/No)
  • RAM(MB) (Text Popup has std sizes: 32, 64)
  • Serial Port (Popup lets you choose how many)
  • USB Ports (Popup lets you choose how many)
  • Parallel Port (Yes/No)
  • Pointing Device (Popup lets you choose what kind: Serial Mouse, Trackball, etc)
  • Game/Joystick ((Yes/No) if you want this Port)
  • FireWire Ports (Popup lets you choose how many)
  • Network Connection (Popup lets you indicate the type of connection: 100 Base-T, etc)
  • Modem (Popup lets you indicate speed)
  • Price
  • --Monitor--
  • Screen Size(in) (Text popup has std sizes)
  • Resolution (Text Popup has Std resolutions which Append)
  • Price

04/19/2007 Comparison Auto Shopper [Automobiles]
This Applet is intended to be used while shopping for a car. You would first enter your *Ideal Vehicle* and then as you shop you would enter the details for each vehicle that your are interested in. Following is a list of the fields in this Applet:

  • Type (Popup lists popular types: Sedan, SUV, etc)
  • Make (Popup has EVERY popular make: Ford, Chevy, etc.)
  • Model
  • Year
  • Color (Popup has basic colors)
  • Body Style (Popup lists basic Styles: 2 dr, 4 dr, etc)
  • Passengers (Popup has popular configurations)
  • Transmission (Popup lists types)
  • SRS (Text popup has standard Airbag conigs)
  • Drive Type (Popup has basic types)
  • 4 Whl Steering (Yes/No)
  • Anti Lock Brakes (Yes/No)
  • Storage(cu ft) (Trunk/Storage space)
  • MPG (Miles Per Gallon)
  • Fuel Type (Popup has standard types: Unleaded, Diesel, Electric, etc)
  • Fuel(gals) (Fuel Capacity)
  • ---Engine----
  • Capacity(ltr) (Popup has standard capacities)
  • Cylinders (Popup has basic configs)
  • Horsepower(hp)
  • ---Accessories---
  • Air Conditioning (Yes/No)
  • Sound System (Text popup has numerous items that can be added to this field based on your desires.
  • Other (Text Popup has other types of accessories you may want: Power Locks, Security, etc.)
  • ---Prices--- (Enter prices from guides for reference)
  • Wholesale
  • Dealer Invoice
  • Sticker
  • Dealer (Enter the dealer you found this car and price at)

04/19/2007 Allowance Tracker [Financial]
This Applet helps you track how much allowance you will owe your kids for the chores they do. This has a date and time field. The names can be assigned to a Popup. You could even make multiple copies and have the name default to the proper child. This has a Text Popup with chores assigned. There is also a Float Popup with some basic amounts assigned, .25, .50, etc. Then there is a Total field that calculates the Total you owe them. If you filter for a specific child it will have their total. There also a checkbox to indicate if you have paid them and a date field for when you did.

04/19/2007 Accident Info [Automobiles]
The Only Applet you NEVER want to use. This applet will let you easily record info about the other driver if you are in an accident. Has fields for all their personal info, for their Driver's License info, for their License Plate info, their Insurance Agent and Company info and about their car. There is also a Notes field where you could record info like witnesses.

Hopefully you won't ever need to use this but keep it HanD anyway.

04/19/2007 Tip Table [Food and Drink]
This is a basic table for figuring Tips for Meals, etc. It has dollar amounts from $1.00 to $100.00 and the corresponding 15% and 20% tips. You can of course add more dollar amounts and more tip percentages.

04/19/2007 Works of Ludwig van Beethoven [History]
This is a list of works by Ludwig van Beethoven. This list was borrowed from a website compiled by Simon Johnson. For more information please visit this website, http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~simonj/lvb/opus.html

This database contains the following fields:

  • Opus - The opus number of the work
  • Opus Modifier - This is a modifier to the Opus number , ie 'a', 'b', etc. I organized it in this way rather than with the opus number specificlly to be able to properly sort the data.
  • No. - This is the number of the work or section of the Opus.
  • Date Written - This is the recorded date that this work was written.
  • Work - This is the Name of the work.

04/19/2007 Ad Tracker [Miscellaneous]
This Applet is useful for tracking Ads that you see on TV, hear on the Radio or see on Billboards. That way if you want more info or want to order you don't have to remember the info you saw or heard.

This Applet has the following fields:

  • Date - Date you add this record.
  • Time - Time you add this record.
  • Channel - This is so you can record where you heard or saw this. Has Popups for Local, Cable, Network, Radio Station.
  • Item - Name of the item.
  • Description - Detailed description of the item.
  • Price - Price of the item. Has popups for standard currencies and a + for additional costs as well as S&H to indicate shipping and handling costs.
  • Phone Number - Phone number to call to order. Has popups for standard Toll Free numbers.
  • Web Site - Products Web Site address. Has popups for standard items in web sites, www., .com, etc.
  • Address - Physical mailing address to order. Has popups for standard Street abbreviations.
  • Details - Note field to write more details on the product.

04/19/2007 Times Tables [Teaching]
Times Table Flash Cards. This database has times tables 0 to 9, more can be added. It has forms that are flash cards showing the question. Someone could ask the questions or the student can go through them on their one. They then use arrows to move to the next question. If they don't know the answer there is an answer button to tell them. When they are done with one number they can easily move onto the next.