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Where do I find Documentation for the iPad version of HanDBase?
Product: Article Number: 364Creation Date: 10/16/2008
We have created the HanDBase for iPad User Guide and the Desktop and Conduit Quickstart Manuals in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can open this directly from your iPad via the Safari browser. On the desktop, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader (or equivalent) installed to be able to view this Documentation. This is a free program from Adobe. If you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader Click Here or click the Adobe icon below.

If you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed or once you do install it you can click the link below to view this documentation in your Web Browser. From there you can click the Save icon to save it to your computer. Or, you can just right click the link below and choose the option to "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to save it to your computer.

HanDBase for iPad User Guide
Documentation for Optional Forms Designer (Available via In-App Purchase):

HanDBase Forms iPad User Guide

The links below have the instructions for synchronizing with your computer using the HanDBase Conduit for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Click the appropriate link for your desktop platform below to view this information.

HanDBase for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad Desktop and Conduit Quickstart Manual

HanDBase for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad Desktop and Conduit Quickstart Manual

If you have purchased any of the Desktop Add-on products for the HanDBase for iPad software such as HanDBase Plus, Professional or Enterprise, then this User Guide and the Desktop and Conduit Quickstart Manuals are included in that Install.

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