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How to Convert your Address book data into HanDBase format
Product: Article Number: 90Creation Date: 04/28/2000
Here's how you can convert the data from the built-in address book to HanDBase format:
1.  On your desktop, run the Palm Desktop program and select your
address book data.
2.  Now select 'File', and then 'Export' from the menu up top.
3.  Select the dropdown for 'export as' at the bottom and choose
"Comma separated (*.CSV; *.txt) format.
4.  Give the output file a name in the top left and then press the
'export' button.
5.  It will now prompt you for which fields and in what order to
export them.  You can uncheck those fields which you do not need in
your address book and reorder the fields by dragging them around.  If
you have a database structure already existing in HanDBase that you
want to match this up with, please make sure the order matches 100%!
6. Press the 'OK' button to export the data to the file you specified.
 You should then see an 'export complete' option.
7. Now run the HanDBase Desktop program.  If you don't have this, you
can download it at: http://www.handbase.com/demo.html
8. Select the tab labeled 'Convert .CSV to .PDB'.
9. For the input file press the 'browse' button and select the .CSV
file you saved in the Palm Desktop program.
10.  You can select a different output file if you'd like, or keep the
one automatically chosen for you.
11.  Choose the name for the database to output by typing it in the
'Database Name' field.
12.  Make sure the 'Input (.CSV) file has field names as first line of
file' option is unchecked as the Palm Desktop does not put the field
names as the first line.
13.  Now if you already have a HanDBase Database that matches the
format of this .CSV file, you can specify to: 'Use existing .PDB
file's field information' and then select that file by pressing the
browse button and choosing it from under your user name.  If not,
select 'create all fields as text fields'.
14.  Press the 'convert to .PDB' button and the .PDB file will be
created for you.

Now you can use this database as is, or modify it for your needs.  You may also want to use this for DB Popups from other HanDBase Databases.  Enjoy!

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