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Equianalgesic dosages of pain meds

Author:Hernando Cardona, MD [Send Author Email]

November 01, 2001
January 10, 2009
Description:Suggested dosages for multiple pain meds, when switching patients from iv to oral medications.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Version:HanDBase v.3.x or greater
File:1164_equianalgesic_doses.pdb          Downloads: This Month 42 / Total* 5947
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename 1164_equianalgesic_doses.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Hernando Cardona, MD

10/31/2001 Hyperbilirubinemia in the healthy full term. [Medical]
Guidelines for the management of hyperbilirubinemia in the otherwise healthy newborn.

10/31/2001 Hyperbilirubinemia in the sick full term. [Medical]
Guidelines for the management of hyperbilirubinemia in the sick full term newborn.

10/31/2001 Neonatal Narcotic Abstinence Score. [Medical]
System for the scoring of infants that suffer from neonatal abstinence syndrome. These are parameters typically used at the Beth Israel Medical Ctr NICU in NYC.

10/31/2001 Hyperbilirubinemia in the premie. [Medical]
Table with bili levels for premies.

10/31/2001 CRIES Neonatal Postoperative Pain Measurement Score [Medical]
Scale published in Pediatr Anesth 5: 53-61, 1995, for pain assessment in neonates during the postoperative period.

01/02/2002 Antibiotic Susceptibility Jan - Dec 2001 [Medical]
Susceptibility characteristics of commonly encountered bacterial pathogens at the Long Island College Hospital, for January through Decemeber, 2001. This table can be individualized for your particular hospital, by just adding or removing pathogens and antibiotics, as per your requirements.

12/08/2001 Connor's Abbreviated Scale [Medical]
Connor's Abbreviated Scale for evaluation and management of children in therapy for ADHD. This applet may be of use to teachers that have children with ADHD in their classes, or to residents and physicians that are performing research in ADHD.

01/23/2002 FATES HIE Score [Medical]
Predicts the expected level of long term disability in a neonate with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

01/27/2002 Appendicitis Score [Medical]
Same scoring system presented in a few applets by Arndt P. Schulz, MD, MRCS (aps77@web.de), now in english. This one uses checkboxes for signs and symptoms, as well as calculations - one file does it all.

05/10/2003 Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) Score [Medical]
removed by developer

06/06/2002 Baclofen Pump Adjuster [Medical]
A little applet I whipped up to assist in the monotonous calculations we need to make at our spasticity clinic at the Lamm Institute in Brooklyn.

06/22/2002 Calcium Gluconate Infusion Guide [Medical]
This applet helps determine the appropriate amount of Calcium Gluconate (10% sln) to add to an IV to give the desired amount of calcium in mEq/kg/day. The user determines the dose, size of the IV bag, the rate, The applet gives the mEq, mg and cc of Calcium Gluconate to add to that bag.