DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Pizza Driver Forms Release

Author:Ben Clinger [Send Author Email]

August 24, 2003
Description:Pizza Driver was written using HanDBase v3 and it companion forms utility. It is intended to capture and report upon information captured throughout the routine day of a food delivery person. Forms for all of the databases are provided with the exception of DominosTips - operation is rather slow when a form is used. Data is provided for test purposes only and in most instances should be deleted. Auxilary trackers for checkbook/ savings, et cetera and vehicle tracking/gas mileage is provided. A "readme" file is included.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:Yes
Reports:Time worked/mileage, sales and similar information is reported upon.
Comments:A form for the DominosTips database has been added.
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:pizzadriverformsrelease.zip          Downloads: This Month 19 / Total* 1587
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename pizzadriverformsrelease.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Ben Clinger

07/06/2002 PizzaDelivery.pdb [Automobiles]
A simple database that tracks information useful to delivery drivers. Date, in/out times, in/out mileage, mileage and other amounts owed, tip information, hours worked, number of deliveries, notes, and related information/totals is provided. Multiple months may be kept in the database and reported on using the filter option.

07/17/2002 Pizza Driver [Sales]
A followup to the original submission, PizzaDelivery.pdb. This file contains two databases, Tiplog.pdb and Driverlog.pdb. The main file, Driverlog.pdb, draws from two fields in the Tiplog.pdb file. Tiplog.pdb is used to track individual deliveries. Driverlog.pdb is used to capture mieage, time, and summary information. The "other database" name must be set using the the "Database Properties" options in order for the DriverLog.pdb file to obtain information from the Tiplog.pdb file. The "Other database name" option must be edited in the "Runs" and "Amount Collected" fields. The "browse" option should be used to locate the Tiplog.pdb file.

08/04/2002 pizzadriver.zip [Sales]
A followup to the two previous delivery tracking apps. This app consists of 11 databases and works in the Version 3 environment. A "readme.txt" file is included in the download that discusses the databases. Sales, tips, mileage, hours worked and other functions are tracked. The relationship, DB Popup, linked and calculated functions are used.

08/14/2002 Project Tracker V3 [Automobiles]
Project Tracker was written using HanDBase version 3. It's primary purpose is to provide a simple method to track projects. A readme.txt file is included to describe the applicaiton.

07/13/2003 Medbag [Medical]
Medbag was written using HanDBase version 3 and its companion form program. Its purpose is to provide a simple method to record what is in multiple first aid boxes based on "owner name." The "linked", "relationship," and database popup (DB popup)field types are used throughout the application. Editing of the "child databases" should be done through the "parent" database in order to maintain proper indexing. There are three databases. Medbag is the primary database. It provides a place to record the owner's name, bag description, and notes. The "relationship" field type is used to "view owner items" and "# items in bag." The "linked" field type is used to link to the item list so that database may be edited. Tapping on "View OWNER Items" is the first step toward adding the inventory to the database. The MegBagItems database is where the work is really done. It captures the item description using the "database popup" field type and links to the item list using the "linked" field type. Item description, purchaes date, expiration, number stocked, supplier information, and similar information is maintained here. The MedBagList database is used to maintain a single item list of supplies to be tracked by the MegBagItems database. Cost information may be added to the application by adding supplier and cost information to this database and then use the MegBagItems database to calculate the totals. Within the Medbag database, the "filter" option may be used to provide a list of items needing to be replinished, a list of items needed, and related information. Setting up the internal linking for the "linked," "relationship," and "database popup" fields may be necessary in order for the databases to interact.

07/06/2003 Family Medical V3 [Medical]
FamilyMedical was written using HanDBase version 3 and its companion forms program. Its purpose is to record family medical history. The "calculated," "linked", "relationship," and database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are seven databases. Its design allows the user to track the entire family. This release includes forms for each of the databases. FamilyMedical is the primary database. It provides a place to enter names using the "DB Popup" field type that is linked to FamPersInfo. Fields are provided to record the next physician's appointment and time, physician's name, reason for the appointment, and notes. The "relationship" field type to enter allery, immunization, medical history, and medical insurance information. In addition, office visit costs and prescription costs are also displayed. The "linked" field type is used to edit each of the files. The number of "related records" is displayed next to the field to indicate there is related data in the file. The FamPersInfo database is primarily a "standalone" database that is used to maintain name information. Allergy information is maintained in the FamAllergies database. The "relationship" field type is used to link to it from the FamilyMedical database using the "name" field. The allergy information database tracks individual allergies, test, provider, reactions, medications and notes information. A link is provided to edit the FamMedications file. Immunization information is maintained in the FamImmuneRecord database. The "relationship" field type is used to link to it from the FamilyMedical database using the "name" field. The immunization information database tracks vaccinations, date of vaccination, followup date, provider, reactions and notes. Medical history information is maintained in the FamIndMed database. The "relationship" field type is used to link to it from the FamilyMedical database using the "name" field. The medical history database tracks problem, when it occurred, treatment, physician, cost, pharmacy name, prescription number, prescription information, appointment information, location treated, surgery information, and followup information. A link is provided to the prescription database to allow editing of that file. Medical insurance information is maintained in the FamMedInsurance database. The "relationship" field type is used to link to it from the FamilyMedical database using the "name" field. The medical insurance database tracks, insurance company, policy number, subscriber number, group number, plans, phone number, address, contact person, and notes. The FamMedications database is used to maintain a list of medications. There are several entries in this file. The FamPersInfo database is a "stand alone" database that is linked to from the FamilyMedical database. Its primary function is to record names; however, as a stand alone database, it may be used to record name, relation, social security number, driver license number, address, phone numbers, date of birth, race/sex, height in inches, weight in pounds, eye/hair color, health insurance information, doctor visit information, primary physician information, medical information, medications, and notes. The FamBPPulse database is intended to document blood pressure, heart and respiration rates, and activity. Date, time, activity/exercise, BP systolic, BP diastyloc, heart and respiration rates, average BP information, average heart and respiration rates, and notes may be documented. The FamExercise database is intended to capture exercise information. Date, time, exercise type, number done, start/end time, length of time, running length of time, average length of time and notes may be captured. 4-17-03 - removed password protection from FamPersInfo database. 7-6-03 - forms added to each of the databases.

07/07/2003 Evaluations [Business Tools]
Evaluations was written using HanDBase version 3 and its companion form program. Its purpose is to facilitate "on the go" documentation of employee performance. A large portion of the supervisor's responsibility should be the documentation of worker performance, especially the good along with the bad, the ugly and the so-so. The "calculated," "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are four databases. Evaluations is the primary database. It provides a place to enter names using the "DB Popup" field type that is linked to EvaluationNames. Fields are provided to document the date the record was created. Fields are provided to allow the editing of the displayed name and all names. The branch to the evaluation data uses the "relationship" field type to go to the EvalData database where the actual evaluation data is recorded. Data is displayed using the "relationship" field type from the EvalData database; the data is the number of related entries and the latest related entry date. EvaluationAreas is comprised of data the individual is evaluated on. Examples all ready in the database are appearance, atttendance, customer interaction, knowledge, knowledge of equipment and work quality. More entries may be added as needed. EvaluationNames is used to capture basic employee information. Data captured includes name, position title, date hired, date in position, special duties, special recognition, work phone number, cell phone number, fax phone number, email address(es), home phone number and notes. EvalData is where the evaluation information data is stored. Fields include name, area of evaluation, record expiration date, notes, date noted, date/time created and record number. The record expiration date is intended to be used as a guide to indicate when the record should no longer be considered and possibly deleted. The record number and latest related entry date in this file are displayed via the relationship field type in the Evaluation database. 7-6-03 - This version has forms added for each database.

08/24/2002 Emergency Supply Kit HDV3 [Miscellaneous]
EmegencySupplyKit was written using HanDBase version 3. It provides a simple method to record what is in an emergency supply kit. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are three databases. Its design allows the user to track several different kits. The contents of the kit may vary to an extent upon locality. However, rain is rain regardless of where you live, so keeping warm is always a necessity. The entries I have included in the EmerSupplyList database are not all inclusive of what should be in a kit. Be creative and be prepared. I am from an area that was prone to hurricanes passing by and we were always prepared for the "big one," which we fortuantely missed when Hurricane Andrew struck south Florida back in the 90s. Guys, don't forget the programable universal surfing device.

09/21/2002 Plant Stuff [Miscellaneous]
PlantStuff was written using HanDBase version 3. It provides a simple method to assist the hobby plant grower in maintaining a record of activities and plants. A readme.txt file is provided.

06/29/2003 CrashInfo [Miscellaneous]
CrashInfo was written using HanDBase version 3 and its accompanying forms program, version v3.0i. It is an extension of the applet written by Master David Haupert of DDH Software. It provides a method to record crash related information. This release includes forms for main and child databases. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are four databases. The number of related records is displayed next to the "related" field type. Links are provided to the child databases for editing of those databases. As a note, deleting files must be done from the parent record in order to maintain proper indexing. CrashInfo is the primary database. Information captured: date and time of occurance, case number, officer name/id, agency name, and location of crash. Name information is provided initially via the "relational" function or the "linked" function with the CashNames database. After taking care of the name business, charge information and notes may be entered, followed by witness information, accessible via the relational function or linked function with the CrashWitness database. After witness information, entry fields for road condition, road description, weather condition information are provided. The number of records in each of the "child" databases is displayed next to the related field. The ability to edit the "child databases" is accomplished using the "linked" field type. The database file is "CrashInfo.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashInfo_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashInfo_HDF.PDB" file. CrashNames is related with the parent database using the "case #" field. It provides fields to capture driver name, driver vehicle number, driver date of birth, driver race/sex, city/state, zip code, injury description, insurance company, policy number, expiration date, agent, passenger information (using relation/linked properties), vehicle year, make, model (all in one field), tag number and state (in one field), vehicle damage, damage amount, at fault, cited, charge, phone numbers, work location and phone numbers. The database file is "CrashNames.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashNames_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashNames_HDF.PDB" file. CrashPassenger is a child database of CrashNames. It is related via the case # field. It provides fields to capture passenger vehicle #, passenger name, race/sex/age (in one field), address, home px, work px, where seated, injury information, and notes. The database file is "CrashPassenger.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashPassenger_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashPassenger_HDF.PDB" file. CrashWitness is a child database of CrashNames. It is related via the case # ield. It provides fields to capture witness name, race/sex/age (in one field), address, home phone, work phone, and notes. The database file is "CrashWitness.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashWitness_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashWitness_HDF.PDB" file. CrashNames is related with the parent database using the "case #" field. It provides fields to capture driver name, driver vehicle number, driver date of birth, driver race/sex, city/state, zip code, injury description, insurance company, policy number, expiration date, agent, passenger information (using relation/linked properties), vehicle year, make, model (all in one field), tag number and state (in one field), vehicle damage, damage amount, at fault, cited, charge, phone numbers, work location and phone numbers. The database file is "CrashNames.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashNames_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashNames_HDF.PDB" file. CrashPassenger is a child database of CrashNames. It is related via the case # field. It provides fields to capture passenger vehicle #, passenger name, race/sex/age (in one field), address, home px, work px, where seated, injury information, and notes. The database file is "CrashPassenger.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashPassenger_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashPassenger_HDF.PDB" file. CrashWitness is a child database of CrashNames. It is related via the case # ield. It provides fields to capture witness name, race/sex/age (in one field), address, home phone, work phone, and notes. The database file is "CrashWitness.PDB" and the forms file is "CrashWitness_HDF.PDB." To uninstall the forms file, delete the "CrashWitness_HDF.PDB" file.

01/07/2003 MechanicsHV3 [Business Tools]
Mechanics was written using HanDBase version 3. It is an applet designed for the automobile mechanic that provides an environment that meets the majority of the day's activities. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup), and popup field types are used throughout the application. A readme.txt file is supplied. The display category used is "business."

09/07/2002 HomeWorkHV3 [Miscellaneous]
Homework was written using HanDBase version 3. It is a "relational" applet that tracks homework and project assignments, contacts, and to do. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are nine databases. In most instances, the number of related records is displayed next to the "related" field type. Links are provided to the child databases for editing of those databases. As a note, deleting files must be done from the parent record in order to maintain proper indexing.

09/22/2002 DietIntake HV3 [Medical]
DietIntake was written using HanDBase version 3. It is a "relational" applet that documents food and medication intake. The "linked", "relational," "database popup" (DB popup), and "calculated" field types are used through out the application. There are ten databases. In most instances, the number of related records is displayed next to the "related" field type. Links are provided to the child databases for editing of those databases. As a note, deleting files must be done from the parent record in order to maintain proper indexing. In addition, more fields can be added to the "parent" database, DietIntake; however, with the high number of "child" databases this appelt has, additional fields in the "parent" database, DietIntake, speed will be noticeably slower due to the use of the "relational" field type.

09/19/2002 Police - HV3 [Law Enforcement]
Police was written using HanDBase version 3. This is the preliminary version of a paid project. Its purpose is to facilitate "on the go" documentation and is structured as a "starter" tracking system, allowing the user to add/delete "child" databases and fields as needed. The "calculated," "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are eleven databases.

10/06/2002 Hikes The Trip HDV3 [Sports]
HikesTheTrip is a HanDBase v3 appelt designed to document hikes. There are four databases. The "relational," "db-popup," "calculated," and "pop-up" field types are used throughout the applet. The "Time created" field is used in most of the databases as the "relational" factor. As with all relational databases, the addition and deletion of records must be done within the parent record in order to maintain proper indexing. Added permit information in the "HikeLocations" database.

07/13/2003 Police - Release 2 [Law Enforcement]
Police was written using HanDBase version 3 and its companion form program. This is the preliminary version of a paid project. Its purpose is to facilitate "on the go" documentation and is structured as a "starter" tracking system, allowing the user to add/delete "child" databases and fields as needed. The "calculated," "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are eleven databases. This release has forms added to the applet and provides for editing of the PoliceNotes "child" databases throughout the applet. Data is included strictly for testing purposes. The primary database is "Police." It is used as a launching point to the "child" databases. The relationship used is "date." The relationship field type is used to enter/view information related to BOLOs, citations, contacts, field interviews, notes, service calls, subpoenas, time worked, to do, and vehicle unit. The "linked" field type is used to edit the "child" databases. Normal addition/deletions to the child databases should be routinely done through the "parent" database in order to maintain proper indexing. The "child" databases use "time created" as their primary relationship with the exception of "PoliceToDo," which uses "date." The databases are: Police, PoliceBOLO, PoliceCitations, PoliceContacts, PoliceFldInterview, PoliceNotes, PoliceServiceCalls, PoliceSubpoenas, PoliceTimeWorked, PoliceTodaysUnit, and PoliceToDo.

07/26/2003 Homework Release 2 [Miscellaneous]
HomeworkRelease2 was written using HanDBase version 3 and its accompanying forms utility. It is a "relational" applet that tracks homework and project assignments, contacts, and to do. The "linked", "relationship," and "database popup" (DB popup) field types are used throughout the application. There are nine databases. In most instances, the number of related records is displayed next to the "related" field type. Links are provided to the child databases for editing of those databases. As a note, deleting files must be done from the parent record in order to maintain proper indexing. The data contained is for testing purposes only. This release has been updated to includes forms and a general cleanup of the applet. There are two files in this archive. The one titled "HomeworkColor.zip" is for color based devices. The one titled "HomeworkMonochrome.zip" is for monochrome based devices. The primary database is "HomeWork." The following information is captured, date, classes (a db-popup field type to either import a value or create a new value). Edit displayed class (relational that allows the editing of the currently displayed "Classes" or the creation of a new value). Classes by date (relational). Class schedule, "a db-popup" field type to import a class into the parent record. Display Class (relational) to view/edit the displayed class, a contact list entry, editing of the contact via "Displayed Contact" (relational). "To Do" and Today's To Do, and notes. Links are provided to edit the various child databases. "ClassList" - a one field child database that provides a list of valid class names. From the parent record, this is obtained via the "db-popup" field type. "Classes" - a child database that captures information concerning the class. Information includes: date, class, homework (relational), project (relational), and notes. The homework and project fields are relational and tied to the class record displayed. "ProjectAsnt" is a child database of "Classes" that captures project information. Information captured includes date, class, project assignment, date due, number of days (calculated), completed (check box to mark for completion), and notes. "HomeworkAssnt" is a cihdl database of "Classes" that captures homework information. Information includes date, class, homework assignment, date due, number of days (calculated), completed (check box to mark for completion), and notes. "ClassSchedule" is a child database that captures: class name, days, date, time(s), teacher, building/room # and notes. The currently displayed teacher may be viewed using the "relational" field type and the teacher list edited using the "linked" field type. "ClassTeachers" is a child database that captures teacher name, classes instructed, office hours, office/home/other phone numbers, email address(s) and notes. "ClassContacts" is a child database that captures name of contact, address, phone #, email address, notes, next contact date and date created. "ClassToDo" is a child database that captures action, date to do, time to do, a check box to indicate "done," time done, date done, note, and cost factors.

09/06/2003 Pizza Driver Release B9 9-06-03 [Business Tools]
PizzaDriver was written using HanDBase V3 and its companion form program. This is a followup to previous releases. It consists of 53 databases that are either related or linked together to provide an environment capable of tracking much of the informtion a food delivery person comes across in a typical day. Use of relational, popup, db-popup, linked, calculated and note field types are used throughout the applet. This release sees the general cleanup of the forms. In addition, two plugins are added, TextFormat.zip by DDH's Robert Machorro and Treodialer.Zip (by DDH). The Treodialer plugin is used in several of the databases and TextFormat is used in the DominosContacts database. All data is for verification purposes only - it is not to be considered accurate. The forms were edit to display "properly" on a Handsprint/Sprint Treo 300. Color has for the most part been removed due to color/hue inconsistancies.

09/07/2003 Weather Tracking [Technical]
Weather Tracking is the preliminary version of a paid project. Weather Tracking was written with HandBase V3.0i and its companion forms utility. The applet consists of one parent database and five child databases. The relational, db-popup and calculated field types are used throughout the applet. Data provided in the various databases is for test purposes only. A "readme.txt" file is included.