DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Grade Book

Author:Michael Santos [Send Author Email]

April 08, 2001
Description:Using the Students DBase enter all your students. Once your students are saved, use the Assignments dbase and enter all the assignments for your class. Once these two dbases are setup you can use the Students DBase to enter each individual students grade for a particular assignment. Use the popup to help enter data quickly.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:gradebook.zip          Downloads: This Month 0 / Total* 3445
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename gradebook.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Michael Santos

04/02/2001 Amateur Mobile Log [Communication]
A mobile logging DBase for Amateur Radio operators. Good for portable or mobile operations.

04/11/2001 Class and Assignment Tracker (UPDATED) [Teaching]
This applet allows you to keep track or your Class schedule and instructor as well as your assignments for each class. UPDATE: A field was added to assignments call COMPLETED. This allows you to check off the assignmen you have finished.