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Micro-Trains Index

Author:David C. Reussow [Send Author Email]

September 24, 2002
January 10, 2009
Description:Micro-Trains� Line Co. makes some of the finest N-scale model cars in the world. Each month Micro-Trains� releases about ten more N-scale cars. To help keep track of all the different cars that have been produced over the years Micro-Trains� provides on the web an Excel file with all the production cars that they have made to date. I have taken this database and enhanced it to use as a tool when collecting cars. I have added list price for the cars when I could find it. I calculate 20% off of list as the best price you can expect to find from a dealer. Some do not discount at all. I have recorded the high and low selling price from Ebay for items that I was considering bidding on. Also be aware that Micro-Trains� has made many custom cars that are not included in this database. Notice: These files are the intellectual property of Micro-Trains Line� Co. and are provided free of charge for personal use only. Any sale, re-sale, or syndication of these materials constitutes a violation of copyright protection. This HanDBase database is provided for your personal use and is not to be sold. It is my goal to update the database each month. I will not be held responsible for any incorrect information that may be in this database. Currently there are 2,394 records that include all cars produced to 09-24-2002.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:Filter for Want checked. Filter for Have checked.
Sorting:Sort by Item Number then by Road Number.
Reports:Total number of records in database. Number of cars in your collection. Value of cars in your collection.
Comments:To start using the index you need to remove my personal data. So the first step is to setup a filter to just show items that have the Have or Want box checked. This works best when you do it on the Palm pilot. As you remove the check marks the records will be removed from the screen. This should not be too bad I only have about 160 cars. Next step is to remove the filter to show all records. Check the Have box for all the Micro-Trains� cars that you have. Check the Want box for all the Micro-Trains� cars that you want. It is recommended that you use find when looking for item number it is much quicker. You can also use filters to search for road numbers for unboxed cars to determine item number.
Version:HanDBase v.3.x or greater
File:1228_micro-trains_index.pdb          Downloads: This Month 7 / Total* 1921
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename 1228_micro-trains_index.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

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12/04/2001 HAM Profile [Communication]
I put together a database using HanDBase to keep track of people that I talk to on the air. This database only includes one record as an example. My friends asked me not to send it out with there personal information. So each user will have to feed it with there information to make it a useful tool.

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Notes on how to use Yaesu VX-7R Amateur radio.