Other Titles from Baxter Camp
04/04/2004 Home Inventory Master [Miscellaneous]
....NOTE: Updated **3/29/04** to include **corrected readmefirst.txt file**. This applet includes separate documentation for both Pocket PC and Palm OS® users. As a result it might take a few minutes to download.This application is designed to make the documentation and management of categories (groups)or types of inventory records an easy task. It consists of two databases: HomeInvCategory and
HomeInvDetail ....NOTE for HanDBase® beginners.... This applet contains complete user documentation in Acrobat Reader format. It is almost at the tutorial level, with screen shots and thorough instructions for its use by both Palm and Pocket PC users. It also has complete database definition descriptions and forms definition descriptions. The forms have been tailored for both the Palm and Pocket PC environments.