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Mystery Readers Authors and Books

Author:Carolyn S. DeGroff [Send Author Email]

October 05, 2005
Description:Have you bought or borrowed a book only to discover you have previously read it? Do you loan your books to others? This database is for you the avid Mystery Reader. Databases included: Authors of Mystery-(Currently contains 154 Mystery Authors) Track your favorite authors, the mystery genre, mystery series, principal character/s, note (comments), publisher, contact info (web or e-mail address), a Books button to open the Books of Mystery database to display and update books by a particular author (uses a Relationship Field), and a Mysteries Read button to open the Mysteries Read database (uses a Relationship Field). Books of Mystery Database-(Contains 696 Book Titles) Enter/edit mystery books listed by author, indicator for reading priority, check a book as read, enter date read, mark the book as owned or borrowed, track to whom and when the book s loaned, button to page 2, record publishing date, series information, note (plot synopsis or comments), Next Title button moves to the next title listed for the specific author when opened through the Authors of Mystery database, Move to Mysteries Read button moves the current record to the Mysteries Read database. Mysteries Read Database-Contains the list of books previously read. Data comes from the Books of Mystery Database through use of the Move to Mysteries Read button or by using the Read View filter in the Books of Mystery database to copy records. Books may also be entered or edited, mystery books are listed by author, indicator for reading priority, check a book as read, enter date read, mark the book as owned or borrowed, track to whom and when the book is loaned, button to page 2, record publishing date, series information, and note (plot synopsis or comments).
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:Yes
Filters:Views/Filters/Sorting: Authors of Mystery-Views include: Default sorted by Author; Favorites filtered by authors marked as favorite and is sorted by Author; Genre sorted by Genre and Author. Books of Mystery-Views include: Default sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Priority List filtered by priority value and sorted by AuthorID and Title; Borrowed filtered by books marked as borrowed, sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Loaned To filtered (must be data in the Loaned to field**) and sorted by Loaned To, AuthorID, and Title; Read filtered on books marked as read and sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Owned filtered on books marked as own and sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title. Mysteries Read-Views include: Default sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Priority List filtered by priority value and sorted by AuthorID and Title; Borrowed filtered by books marked as borrowed, sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Loaned To filtered** and sorted by Loaned To, AuthorID, and Title; Read filtered on books marked as read and sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title; Owned filtered on books marked as own and sorted by AuthorID, Author, and Title.
Sorting:See above.
Comments:Please read the associated Word document. The Authors of Mystery database currently contains 154 Mystery Authors. The Books of Mystery contains 696 books. It takes a few seconds after Hot Sync for the records to open. The Forms on the handheld are set to operate on a Treo 650 Palm OS. Form adjustments will be needed for other handhelds and OS. Please feel free to contact me with comments, questions, and/or suggestions.
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:mystery_readers_authors_and_books.zip          Downloads: This Month 2623 / Total* 20636
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename mystery_readers_authors_and_books.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Carolyn S. DeGroff

01/17/2007 WW Food Selections [Food and Drink]
UPDATED 8/4/04 to include Food Form and Calorie, fat, fiber, and carbohydrate values. Database file containing foods and point value based on Weight Watcher guidelines. This file is an update with new food items. This database can be used alone or serve as an update file for the Weight Loss and Weight Watchers database files and the Cooking With Points database files. Contains a Restaurant Database Link file. UPDATED 1/28/2005 OVER 1400 FOOD ITEMS, FAVORITE FOODS, AND DATABASE POPUP TO GROCERY LIST. THE GROCERY LIST FILE CAN BE FOUND IN THE WEIGHT LOSS AND WEIGHT WATCHERS DATABASE FILES IN THE GALLERY.

07/04/2004 Reading Library [Reading]
Designed to keep track of authors and books for the prolific reader. There are two liked databases in this applet. The first contains author information and features forms,a checkbox to mark favorite authors, note field to record information on author's series, action button to the associated book database, and additional forms to enter publisher and contact information. The book database provides for recording titles and information about the book. There are checkboxes to mark a book read, desire to read, own the book, loan the book, or borrowed. Text fields to record date book was read and to indicate to whom and when you loaned the book. Additional note field to record information on the plot or story line and a text field to record publishing date. Both databases contain forms.

01/20/2007 Weight Loss and Weight Watchers [Food and Drink]
UPDATED AS OF 1/18/2007 NOW INCLUDES HOW TO USE WORD DOCUMENT. Contains information from the Revised database which is no longer downloadable from the DDH Gallery. Four (3 are linked by Database Popups)Handbase 3.0 databases: WW Daily Food Log to track target and flex (weekly allowance) points, calories, steps, and weight when weighing at home, food consumed, and daily point balance. Also allows for daily calorie target and calorie balance for those on a low calorie program. --- PLEASE READ THE NOTES PORTION ON SAMPLE DATA REGARDING ADJUSTMENTS TO POINTS AND CALORIES.--- The food information is pulled from the WW Food Choices database. WW Food Choices contains foods, point values, core food selections, calories, fat, fiber, carbohydrates by category; aslo contains foods from various restaurants. The Restaurant and Points Database contains information on the type of menu offered, the type of service available, and menu ideas with point values. This database is linked to the food list database. 8/4/04 ADDED Weight Loss and BMI database with Form to track weight, BMI, and target calories. 1/28/2005 Food Diet Data contains over 1690 food items; added a favorite food field and a Check-box as a reminder to add to the Grocery List. Also added the Grocery List Database.

07/13/2004 Cooking With Points [Food and Drink]
Cooking With Points: Consist of three database files. The WW Food Selections used in the Weight Loss and Weight Watchers Points Database Files. WW Recipe database links to the Cooking/Points Database and contains information as to recipe name, category, prep time, cooking method, serving size, number of servings, total points per recipe (the total must be entered from the Cooking/Points Database), points per serving, and instructions. The points per serving field calculates to an integer. This can be changed to a float to allow for partial points. Cooking/Points Database contains the recipe name from the WW Recipe Database, ingredients which is a database popup that pulls the ingredient data from the WW Food Selections Database, portion, points, quantity, points per ingredient, and total recipe points. The quantity is set as a float number with two decimal points; this is to accomodate whole and fractions of measurements. As an exampe a portion size is listed as a 1/2 C. but the recipe uses 1 1/4 C, enter 2.5 in the Quantity field.

07/15/2004 Weight Loss Table [Food and Drink]
Track weekly weight loss with to reach target weight goal. Fields: Week #, Date, Start Weight (record starting weight for the week), Current Weight (weekly weigh in), Loss (calculates weekly loss), Total Loss (calculates total weight loss todate), Height in Inches (Set the default in this field to your height in inches; needed to calculate BMI, Target Weight, and Calories), BMI (Calculation based on weight and height), Target Weight (Calculation based on current weight and BMI) and Calories Needed (Calculation based on target weight). The Calories Needed field is the total number of calories required to reach and maintain the Target Weight per USA guidelines. Calculations use formulas established by US Department of Health. Includes sample data to illustrate the calculations. Delete the records before using.

11/03/2004 Travel Expense [Travel]
This database is designed to track travel expenses and mileage for business and/or personal use. Popup list are available in the Category Field (type of purchase), Payment Field (type of payment), and Place Field (includes chain restaurants, shops, stations, etc.). The Popup list can be modified to your needs. The Total Expenditure Field is a running total of expenses for the trip. Entering the odometer reading at the start of the trip and entering the odometer reading and gallons with the Gas purchase provides the data for the MPG and Mileage calculations. Entering the Ending Odometer reading will provide data for Total Mileage of the trip. The Note Field can be used for business notes or other miscellaneous data.

09/08/2005 Jenny Craig Food Order List [Food and Drink]
For those following the Jenny Craig Program. Carry your Jenny Craig food order list on your handheld. This list contains all the food items with prices on the current Jenny Craig price sheet. Please note price may vary in your area; you may need to make adjustments. The database is designed to allow you to check mark the item you wish to order, the quantity, calculates the total for the individual item, and calculates the total for the order. The database also contains fields for meal type, storage, and taste. Added discount rate into total payment calculation.9/7/05

05/30/2007 Teaching Gradebook [Teaching]
Easy to use teacher's gradebook. Composed of three database tables: Student, Grades, and Assignment. Student database and Grades database have a relationship. The Assignment database serves as a database popup within the Grades database. Databases contain sample data. The Student database has a two forms. The Grades and Assignment database use the DDH HandBase standard form