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MAAM 0.0

Author:Garikipati Muralikrishna [Send Author Email]

March 01, 2002
Description:MAAM stands for 'Maternal Analgesia and Anaesthesia Matters'. A database for Trainee anaesthetists and those with special interest in Obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia.This version has just the proposed structure and a few examples. In the final version it is intended as a point of care , timely ( eg. 3.00 AM) , reliable and coustomised source of information for the Obstetric anaesthetist.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Comments:The idea is to include information that is of immediate relevance to patient care and may be some topics for the purpose of revision for the exam. The topics may include things like important Bleep/ phone numbers , receipes for epidural topups, Emergency protocols, Guidelines ( eg.Regional blocks and Anticoagulants) ,Anaesthetic implications of certain diseases etc. This requires more than one person to complete this. Please download and have a look. Think of topics that you want included. MOST IMPORTANTLY IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTRIBUTE A TOPIC/TOPICS TO THIS DATABASE. All contributors will be suitably acknowledged. You can e-mail me at muralikrishna@glenlib.zzn.com
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:maam___0_0.pdb          Downloads: This Month 70 / Total* 2603
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename maam___0_0.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Garikipati Muralikrishna

08/19/2001 Airway score [Medical]
This is a database for calculating risk of difficult endotracheal intubation based on the five criteria- airway score. There are 6 PDB files in the zip file. All need to be installed to function properly. Launch file: Airway_score.pdb. There are five other pdb files for individual scores - Weight,Head and neck movement , Jaw movement,Receding Mandible and Buck teeth

01/20/2002 Obs Anaes log [Medical]
A log book customised for data relevant to obstetric anaesthesia