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Old Chicago World Beer Tour List v 1.0

Author:Mark Reynolds [Send Author Email]

March 09, 2002
Description:A list of beers on the Old Chicago World Beer Tour. List from the Superior, Colorado restaurant. Each Old Chicago has a slightly different list, so it will be necessary to add and delete records as required.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:Filters by the type already consumed (the Had field). When you check off a beer it is removed from the visible list.
Sorting:Sorts by Beer Number (Primary), Brewery (Secondary) and Beer Type (Tertiary).
Reports:None at this time.
Comments:This database came about out of the desire to keep track of beers already consumed on the World Beer Tour to avoid duplicate consumption (if that is really a problem!). I propagated the table with beers on the list from the Superior, Colorado restaurant. It will be necessary to add and delete beers that are not at your local Old Chicago. I will attempt to get a complete list from Old Chicago of all the beers carried at all the restaurants. When I do get the list I will add them to the table and issue an updated version. Cheers!
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:old_chicago_wbt_1_0.pdb          Downloads: This Month 11 / Total* 1237
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename old_chicago_wbt_1_0.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

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