DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

EZ Member Manager

Author:Baxter Camp [Send Author Email]

March 28, 2004
Description:This application is designed to make the recording and management of organization member records and related dues and assessments easy. This application is implemented using the HanDBase® database software developed by DDH Software, Inc. It could be just what you have in mind for your club, association, or organaization. >>>>> NOTE: A User Manual with screen images, in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format, is provided.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:Yes
Sorting:Member database alphabetically by member name, by postal code or by phone. Organization database by alphabetically by name or position.
Reports:Provides listing by member with account balance due. Or other listings (see Useful Sorting above)
Comments:The primary database in this systems is the MMPeople database. It is used to record the information about each member of an organization. It provides an financial Account Balance for each member, with direct access to the detailed transactions which make up the account balance. It is also use as a DB popup database to provide pertinent member information to the MMFinance and the MMOrg databases. The MMFinance database uses the MMPeople database as a DB Popup to retrieve pertinent information about an individual when that person is assessed a fee or makes a payment to the organization. The MMOrg database contains a record for each position in an organization. It uses the MMPeople database as a DB Popup to retrieve pertinent information about an individual when that person is elected to or assigned to a position.
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:ezmember.zip          Downloads: This Month 17 / Total* 2202
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename ezmember.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Baxter Camp

04/04/2004 Home Inventory Master [Miscellaneous]

....NOTE: Updated **3/29/04** to include **corrected readmefirst.txt file**. This applet includes separate documentation for both Pocket PC and Palm OS® users. As a result it might take a few minutes to download.This application is designed to make the documentation and management of categories (groups)or types of inventory records an easy task. It consists of two databases: HomeInvCategory and HomeInvDetail ....NOTE for HanDBase® beginners.... This applet contains complete user documentation in Acrobat Reader format. It is almost at the tutorial level, with screen shots and thorough instructions for its use by both Palm and Pocket PC users. It also has complete database definition descriptions and forms definition descriptions. The forms have been tailored for both the Palm and Pocket PC environments.