DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Recepies (Czech - Recepty)

Author:Ivana Minarova [Send Author Email]

June 02, 2008
June 02, 2008
Description:Recipes of my favorite meals, I can value it, do notes. However only in Czech and without forms (in HanDBase is some problem, I reported it twice and I hope it will be solved - when I make form, long texts are abridged)
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Comments:I made a simple database many years ago and when I find an "interesting" recipe, I add it. Many recepies are from various web sides, some are from my friends, some are my own... This is one of tree DB I made, because I used onother software and it didn't support so many records.
Version:HanDBase v.4.x Enhanced or greater
File:recepty1.pdb          Downloads: This Month 20 / Total* 1294
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename recepty1.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Ivana Minarova

06/02/2008 My trips (czech) [Travel]
My own database with a form. I travel around the Czech Republic and make notes - where we were, if there were something interesting... However it is only in Czech.