DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Todo: Now or Later?

Author:Joshua Burdick [Send Author Email]

December 29, 2009
Description:A simple task manager system that implements a Now or Later approach. You decide whether or not the task is due now or can be done later. You also have an inbox which allows you to add in tasks and decide on them later. Filters enable you to see the tasks based on their type of now, later, or inbox.
Has Data:No
Has Forms:No
Filters:Filter tasks by Now - these tasks need immediate action. Filter tasks by Later - these tasks can be completed at a later date. Filter by inbox - these are tasks that you have entered in but not made a decision on them yet.
Comments:Designed for the iPhone, so enjoy! If you have any comments or suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them!
Version:HanDBase v.4.x Enhanced or greater
File:todo_now_or_later.pdb          Downloads: This Month 20 / Total* 1532
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename todo_now_or_later.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

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