DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Bowling League Score Tracker

Author:Dan Reain [Send Author Email]

November 25, 2000
December 23, 2008
Description:Bowling League Score Tracker is for league bowlers to keep track of thier progress throughout the league season. Just input the date and week number along with your scores for each of the 3 games for that week and Bowling League Score Tracker will keep track of your stats. See your series total, average for the week, high game, running average for the year, and more. Includes sample data.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Version:HanDBase v.3.x or greater
File:bowling_league.pdb          Downloads: This Month 13 / Total* 1579
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename bowling_league.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

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