DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Scouting Advancement

Author:Bob Conner [Send Author Email]

November 29, 2000
December 23, 2008
Description:This template is used by BSA leaders to keep track of their scout's advancement. Drop down lists can be created for each scout.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Reports:Can print out each scout's progress or what he still needs to complete for next rank advancement.
Comments:In each of the rank areas, there are drop down lists with all the requirements. Simply paste those lists in each note field and keep track of dates completed each requirement.
Version:HanDBase v.3.x or greater
File:615_scout_advancement.pdb          Downloads: This Month 19 / Total* 1767
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename 615_scout_advancement.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Bob Conner

11/29/2000 Rental Income [Real Estate]
Use this template to create a list of properties that generate rental income. Can create reports monthly as to income produced by selecting the column and running a report.

11/29/2000 Tenant Log [Real Estate]
Use this template to log important information on your rental properties.

11/29/2000 Stock Log [Financial]
Used to log buying and selling of stocks.

11/29/2000 Medical Visit Log [Medical]
Use this template to log all doctor visits, the reason for the visit, and any prescriptions given.

11/29/2000 Workout Log [Sports]
Use to log weight training and running. Will calculate your pace based on miles and time.

11/29/2000 Loan Log [Real Estate]
Use this template to log all your property loans, market value, expiration date, and other important information.