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Risk reduction calculation

Author:Felice Musicco [Send Author Email]

February 02, 2001
Description:It is possible to calculate and archive EER (Experimental event rate), CER (Control event rate), ARR (Absolute risk reduction), RRR (Relative risk reduction), NNT (Number needed to treat) in clinical studies. Number needed to treat is very important because it is the number of patients that have to be treated in order to prevent one adverse event.
Has Data:No
Has Forms:No
Comments:Contains read_med.txt file
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:riskreduction.zip          Downloads: This Month 48 / Total* 2476
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename riskreduction.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Felice Musicco

12/27/2000 Glasgow Coma Score calculation file #1 [Medical]
Glasgow Coma Scale estimation. Baseline neurogical function. Requires Eyes open.pdb (3Kb) , Best motor response.pdb (3Kb),Best verbal response.pdb (3kb),GCS calculate.pdb (3kb). Launch file: GCS calculate.pdb . Archives with patient name and date.

12/27/2000 Glasgow Coma Score calculation file #2 [Medical]
Glasgow Coma Scale estimation. Baseline neurogical function. Requires Eyes open.pdb (3Kb) , Best motor response.pdb (3Kb),Best verbal response.pdb (3kb),GCS calculate.pdb (3kb). Launch file: GCS calculate.pdb. Archives with patient name and date.

12/27/2000 Glasgow Coma Score calculation file #3 [Medical]
Glasgow Coma Scale estimation. Baseline neurogical function. Requires Eyes open.pdb (3Kb) , Best motor response.pdb (3Kb),Best verbal response.pdb (3kb),GCS calculate.pdb (3kb). Launch file: GCS calculate.pdb. Archives with patient name and date.

12/27/2000 Glasgow Coma Score calculation launch file [Medical]
Glasgow Coma Scale estimation. Baseline neurogical function. Requires Eyes open.pdb (3Kb) , Best motor response.pdb (3Kb),Best verbal response.pdb (3kb),GCS calculate.pdb (3kb). Launch file: GCS calculate.pdb. Archives with patient name and date.

05/23/2002 Chemotherapy regimens (ChemProg v.1.0) [Medical]
Chemotherapy programs by disease. Important note: The author has taken care to ensure that the information given in this database is accurate and up to date. However, users are strongly advised to confirm that the information, expecially with regard to drug usage, complies with the latest standards.