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Easy Bibliography

Author:Seth C. Jayson [Send Author Email]

April 12, 2001
Description:A simple bibliography database for students, researchers, and academics. Enter basic book and article information in parent record. Hit notes to attach unlimited note entries to the main record. (a good way to get around the maximum size for palm memo fields).
Has Data:No
Has Forms:No
Filters:author, subject, keyword
Sorting:author, subject, keyword, recdate
Comments:I created this to help me keep track of sources for term paper writing. I used to do a lot of academic research, and I hated writing things longhand, only to have to retype everything later. A lot of libraries and research facilities won't let you bring a laptop in, and who wants to lug it around anyway? With this DB, you can write your notes once, and paste the important parts into your finished work from the HDB desktop. Got a palm keyboard? Even better. Leave the laptop at home!
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:bib.zip          Downloads: This Month 10 / Total* 2870
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename bib.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Seth C. Jayson

04/21/2001 Photojournalist's NotePad [Miscellaneous]
A set of two linked databases which let you easily keep track of photographs and caption information while in the field. Enter photo assignments and projects, in the PROJECTS table. Tap the photo link, to add all related photo notes. This is designed for entering info on photo situations, not individual frames. Time and date stamping are automatic. Enter a quick sketch to help you ID subjects in group situations.