DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Medical Visits Log

Author:Thomas Buddington [Send Author Email]

May 13, 2001
Description:An enhanced medical visits log database that is useful for casemanagers, parents, & anyone wanting or needing a rapid way of collecting comprehensive information about a medical visit, diagnostic test, consultation, etc..
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:By date, clinical specialty, reason for visit or complaint, Medications ordered, tests, aftercare instructions/follow-up, doctor/clinician, resulting diagnosis.
Sorting:As in the case of the filters, by date, clinical specialty, reason for visit or complaint, Medications ordered, tests, aftercare instructions/follow-up, doctor/clinician, resulting diagnosis.
Reports:Not as yet.
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:medical_visits_log.pdb          Downloads: This Month 48 / Total* 3183
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename medical_visits_log.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Thomas Buddington

05/28/2001 Seizure LOG 1.2 [Medical]
"Seizure Log" is an applet/database that is designed to be a rapid data collection tool for use in recording observed and reported seizures. It is intended for both para-professional/allied health AND families with loved ones suffering from seizures/epilepsy. Has TONS of data in the pull-down menus&text boxes that can be used for rapid, accurate identification and recording of seizure attributes/manifestations for use in reporting the information to doctors/clinicians/caregivers. Features include automatic time-stamping of a seizure "start time" when you create a record so you can go immediately to describing the event once the person is made safe; it offers an easy selection of "seizure end time" AND automatically calculates the duration of the seizure. It can help you describe a seizure (with incredible detail)even when your thought processes are operated on by stress/excitement of the moment. Data was pulled from many numerous authoritative medical journals and epilepsy resources. *Update 1.2 contains some field re-alignments, spelling corrections, and removal of a few duplicate entries from pull-down menus.