DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Neuro DB 2.0

Author:Bing Liu, MD [Send Author Email]

June 15, 2001
Description:This is a patient tracking application as introduced in recent Annual American Academy Neurology Meeting. See referecne at Liu B, Lawson N: Poster, American Academy of neurology 53rd Annual Meeting, 2001. “Utilization of Palm Handheld Computer and HanDBase Software in neurology residency Training”, Neurology 56(8), suppl. 3, A32, April, 2001. The poster itself can be found at http://public.webbox.com/255007
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Comments:This shareware is designed for neurology patient tracking. It can be easily converted into other specialty training purpose though. The data included is for demo only (including the linked ICD-9 total file that need to be downloaded too). Please e-mail me for any comments or feedback.
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:neuro_db_2_0.pdb          Downloads: This Month 52 / Total* 2962
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename neuro_db_2_0.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Bing Liu, MD

06/15/2001 ICD-9 total [Medical]
Introduced as a DB pop-up file for Neuro DB 2.0 with total 734 ICD-9 codes. It contains the most common ICD-9 codes including the detailed neurological ICD-9 codes in daily inpatient and outpatient encounter.