DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Import and Export data into HanDBase using the HanDBase for Mac program. Install files to HanDBase on your mobile device such as an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android, or Palm OS device. Add and edit records in your database, search and sort your data.

iPhone, iPod touch or iPad user? Consider the
HanDBase Plus for iPhone/iPad add-on for Mac users and sync your data between your Mac and iPhone, iPod touch or iPad over WiFi.
Android user? Consider the
HanDBase Plus for Android add-on for Mac users and sync your data between your Mac and your Android device over wifi or USB Cable connection (where supported).
HanDBase for Mac is a work in progress. Future features may include:
  • Edit Views and Filters
  • Encryption support
  • Printing
  • DB Properties (database format editing and creation)
  • And more...
Note: HanDBase for Mac requires Mac OSX 10.5 or higher and an Intel Processor. HanDBase for iPhone sold separately via the App Store. HanDBase for iPad sold separately via the App Store.